Adolescent Care

Adolescent Care


The adolescent years (10-19 years) are characterized by periods of rapid growth, both physically and mentally. Which is why it is very important that they receive annual physical exams. This is the period in their lives where they can establish healthy habits that last through adulthood. Wellness exams for the adolescent can include discussions on puberty, mental health, behavior, safety, school performance, bullying, healthy eating habits and exercise, and allow for both the parent and adolescent time to discuss any concerns they have.

Does your child need a Sports Physical form? Click on this link to access the current MN High School Sports Physical form. Please be sure to complete the family/athletes’ sections prior to the appointment. CTMC Providers cannot sign your form until this is completed. We do require annual well-checks to sign off on these forms.

Nutrition Counseling:

Separate nutrition counseling appointments are available with one of our Nurse Practitioner’s, Jennifer Benton. During these appointments, the adolescent will set personal goals, and with Jennifer’s guidance, they will establish way to achieve these goals. Her primary focus is on making healthy eating choices and portion control accompanied by adequate physical activity. Jennifer does not provide families with meal plans or recipes but can provide families resources if desired. The initial consultation is a 45-minute appointment which includes taking a detailed history and the initial goal setting. Follow-up appointments thereafter are 30-minutes which are generally monthly but will be determined based on the individual.

Provider-Patient Confidentiality

During your child’s exam, the Provider will ask the parent/guardian to step out of the room to complete the confidential portion of the exam. Our Providers follow guidelines established by the state, which means this starts at the age of 11. There are factors that may make it appropriate to delay this, but that will be determined by the Provider. We are required by State and Federal Regulations to protect the adolescent/young adults’ privacy. For more information about your child’s right to privacy, you can visit: Consent and Confidentiality Laws in MN – MN Dept. of Health ( 

Billing and your Child’s well exam
There may be separate charges if we address an acute illness or a chronic problem such as stomach pain, ADHD, or Anxiety/Depression during your child’s well-exam.

Links: – From the American Academy of Pediatrics